
Part of Gutmann's work in its first year was to coordinate a community effort to design a new crest for the House, to join the other twelve College House crests as part of the CHAS tradition. The House crest and its accompanying motto encapsulate Gutmann's unique point of view and the aspirations its inaugural band of residents have for the future of the House and the culture they are developing.

Gutmann House Crest

"The sun sets in the West, bringing a new day of opportunities. One of my favorite things to do at NCHW is to watch the sunset since our location on the west side of campus offers a spectacular view of the multicolored horizon every night. Over the past semester I’ve come to associate home with where the sun sets; therefore, the paths on the crest converge toward the sun. On the way the paths cut through green fields, which represent the grass lawn in the front of NCHW that visitors and residents alike know and love. At last, in the spirit of the new house motto, “Opportunity is Invented Together”, the wreath at the bottom represents the unity of the Penn residents. It is through the unity of the people that new opportunities are created and achieved. Therefore, bother the wreath of unity and those who walk down the path are reaching the opportunities emanating from the rays of the sun."