Judge a writing contest!


Calling all Gutmann residents to become a judge in the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards!

This is the most prestigious writing award for young people across the US, and the Philadelphia Writing Project is the local affiliate in charge of the Philadelphia area.

We will all gather to read student submissions, which range from poems, short stories, novels, essays, and other genres of all kinds and lengths. No experience needed on your part - we will have experts on hand to give you directions about how to be a judge.

Please join us between 4-7pm on Monday February 12. You can drop in for any part of that time and choose what and how long you want to read. 

Besides supporting Philadelphia students and promoting writing and the arts more broadly, this is something you can list on your CV.

Please bring a device - we will be reading online.

Monday 2/12 from 4-7pm in Seminar room 209


Monday February 12th, 2024 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM


Seminar Room 209