Screening Scholarship Media Festival 2024 “Practices of Resurrection and Necromancy”

We at CAMRA are pleased to announce that the 12th Annual Screening Scholarship Media Festival Practices of Resurrection and Necromancy” is now open for registration! The festival will take place in person on April 20th,  2024, at the Annenberg School for Communications, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, with an opening event on Friday evening, April 19th at the Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum. We would love for you to join us for the festival opening on 19th April and the program on 20th April. 


This year our work at the festival has been guided by questions such as what can loss give us? how do practices of resurrection and necromancy act to rewrite endings? Through the works shared by scholars, educators, students, artists, activists, and community organizations at SSMF 2024, we hope to offer a generative space of learning and community as we contend loss, absences, practices of resurrection and imagination. If you plan to join us, please do visit our Eventbrite website